Friday was my graduation day. I had a friend in from the Bay Area. I had my psycho-therapy. And I did not have much spare time.
So when my buddy came over at 5pm, I was still in my jeans. The Shabbos candles were burning. The split-pea soup was on the stove.
And we decided to go for a walk.
I think it is the first time I’ve walked around Pico-Robertson on Shabbat in jeans. It was weird. I felt totally uncomfortable. Normally I only wear a suit out on Shabbat to honor that day. Now I’ve gone all Israeli and informal.
Orthodox Jews walking by generally ignored me because we looked like goys.
I felt shy wishing people “Gut Shabbos” when I wasn’t dressed for the occasion.
I felt as guilty as I would if I were to drive around the neighborhood yelling out “Gut Shabbos”.
Driving is forbidden on the Shabbat according to Orthodox Jewish law. Walking around in jeans is not forbidden on the Sabbath but it is discouraged. Most Jews dress up more for synagogue on the Sabbath than do Christians for church on Sunday.